Sorry it has been so long since I posted. My Charlotte went over the Rainbow Bridge. She died of dysautonomia, a rare disease in the U.S. Her last days were awful and it was very painful to watch. I have not recovered, and am afraid I will never find another cat like her to love. My work for QTTR halted for some time and I am making an effort to try to get back to it, and go on as if everything were normal again. So far, I have not been successful. I hate that I love my animals so much and feel so deeply saddened when they pass. I hate that they have such short life spans. I hate that the smallest things remind me of them and the fact that they are no longer here. I hate that they can't be replaced. It isn't fair and I would really like it to stop. Preferably soon, so I can go on with my work.
Optimus is mourning too. It is almost harder to see him mourn and be sad, he is an old dog and should spend his limited time being joyful. Just another thing to hate - the fact that you can't fix it. Sorry for being so morose.
Thanks for listening.
Roschelle and Optimus